Why Is My Twin Flame Stalking Me?

Twin Flame Stalking or Blocking

Q: Why would the "runner" twin flame "follow" or "stalk" at a safe distance from the chaser?

A: This, unfortunately, has happened to me. The Twin Flame dynamic is a difficult one to navigate & understand with the rational mind… but this phenomena is actually pretty logical when you think about it.

To explain the phenomena and why it’s happening to you, you first need to understand the Twin Flame dynamic.

In the Twin Flame world Running and Chasing is a common way to describe the behaviors of the pair… however, it denotes a major misalignment in the energies to have one twin psychically Run in the 3D because the other twin is energetically or literally Chasing.

Twin Flames are an ENERGETIC Connection & They are polarized in the 3D Physical realm.

This means in an energetic sense - there is a polarity - a negative & a positive charge - like magnets. Twin Flames are either energetically repelling when the energy is misaligned or they are attracted to eachother when the energy is aligned.

The ones who is conscious of the connection - and that is YOU - and you need to own your “chasing” energy - by chasing I mean NEEDING or WANTING something from the physical form of the Twin Flame. However, if this is your True Twin Flame - share ONE soul & ONE consciousness between the pair of you. So believe it or not whatever is happening in the consciousness of the “conscious chaser” is happening and being mirrored back to them by the “runner”

You Twin Flame “Runner” is showing you that your “Chaser” energy is out of balance with - or not in alignment with your soul resonance.

The simple truth is that there is NOTHING outside of you. When you meet your Twin Flame, you are launched into a spiritual awakening and ascension path. This is the path WITHIN. You have met your own soul - so it is not possible to seek it outside of yourself. Your twin flame will show you that you are seeking LOVE outside of yourself - and trying to find the source in “the other”. They are YOU. So, you can only find it in your inner world.

If you find me not within you, you will never find me. For I have been with you, from the beginning of me.
— Rumi

This is a soul level connection- the only way to union is to seek an inner connection on the soul level. And from my research and personal experience there is only ONE “cosmic egg” - ONE soul there… not two. This is an ascension path… just one of many. The purpose is to raise your level of consciousness - with your Twin Flame as your gentle guide - to clear all lower levels and vibrations - namely seeking LOVE outside of yourself. It was within you all along.

Whatever you are feeling about yourself your twin flame will simply mirror that deep & hidden subconscious energy back to you.

Let’s get to the stalking conundrum of the original question. Why would your twin flame “runner” stalk, follow or watch you from a safe distance? As we have already mentioned, “Running and Chasing” is a sign of an energetic imbalance - because Twin Flame are only ONE SOUL - but the polarization comes in the 3D. Too much fear-based obsessive focus on what the physical form of the Twin Flame is doing saying thinking or feeling mixed with internal struggles or resistance to the journey or fighting or denying of true feelings will cause all sorts of painful shenanigans in the 3D realm.

When a Twin Flame blocks you = it’s a sign that your SOUL is saying: “It’s time to go within.. you are focusing too much on the physical form of your other self - so we are going to cause this physical form to go away for a little bit to refocus your energy within yourself.” There is no reason to take it personally or as a slight by the physical form of your “other self”- it’s your SOUL doing everything to help you release fear based energy which the Twin Flame will trigger and to refocus within.

Another dynamic to understand is what is called Quantum Entanglement - Twin Flames share a consciousness - So this means whatever is in YOUR consciousness is mirrored back to you.

This means it’s time to take a good look inside and find out what assumptions you may be making about why your twin flame is “doing” what they are doing… and why they’re doing it. Their job is to TRIGGER your fear based energy so that you can heal it. So, whatever is manifesting in the 3D - in this case “Stalking or Following from a safe distance” - it’s important to look at.

The Twin Flame dynamic is ENERGETIC in nature. Twin Flames share a consciousness - so there is an underlying blocking energy when a Twin Flame is feeling far away.

It’s YOUR ENERGY. You are your Twin Flame -they can only show you what is in your own consciousness about them and about yourself. What are they reflecting back to you in what are you and they doing, saying and thinking in the connection? Your twin flame is your True self - all pain in this connection comes from you blocking, ignoring, denying, or resisting your true self. It also shows a resistance to or a hiding from your true desires. If your shared energetic field is at peace, accepting, open and allowing the other self to be there - they would be able to come in easily and be in your shared energy field. So what is being blocked in the consciousness?

Just get really truthful about what you actually want. You and your TF are quantum entangled- so the moment you shift - they shift. Right now you are blocking your feeling - denying or resisting the journey - not being honest with yourself - pretending you don’t want them & that is the only thing you’re Twin Flame can mirror back to you.

It’s time to get real… It only takes ONE Twin Flame to shift -and that’s YOU because you are the one reading this.

If you need help shifting- please reach out 💜


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