How To Tell Your Twin Flame’s Feelings For You
Q: How can you tell if your twin flame does not have feelings for you?
A: In order to answer this question for you- I want to make sure we are clear and know what a Twin Flame actually is:
The only facts that are 100% true about Twin Flames are:
If you have met your Twin Flame, you have met a simultaneous incarnation of your ONE Soul & your ONE Consciousness.
If you have met your Twin Flame, you are energetically polarized in 3D physical reality on the level of the mind - which causes the illusion or perception of separation.
And of course, you are ONE at the level of the SOUL.
Now, let me address the Question. By your question, I can tell that your analytical mind & ego is chasing the physical form of the Twin Flame in an energy of needing some sort of physical validation to prove to itself that you are indeed lovable and worthy of love.
However, in the twin flame dynamic the Physical form CANNOT and WILL NOT validate that for you. Unfortunately, many Twin Flames can spend years chasing the physical form of the Twin Flame - in vain, hoping, needing and trying to get love and validation from their Twin Flame. But in this dynamic, it cannot come to you in this way.
The only way to get the love and validation you seek is to go within to your source…which is your Soul.
And Surprise!… Your Twin Flame is your soul - the connection to which is accessible from and exists within your inner world with your connection to source.
Let’s put the actions, or inactions… whatever is materializing in your 3D with your Twin Flame aside for a moment and ponder the energy and intention of the original question. “Does My Twin Flame Love Me?” And, the answer is YES. Does your own soul love you? Yes. Your soul loves you unconditionally. Because Physical form of the Twin Flame aside - this is a SOUL thing. It’s a spiritual awakening journey. It’s an ascension path. The only way through is to move above & beyond the level of the physical form of the Twin Flame. You must rise to the level of the Soul.
Once you master that, and relish in the fact that you are in alignment with your soul, which is your Twin Flame… you master the energy of UNION in your Twin Flame journey - which magnetizes them back to you in the physical.
If you need help with your energy / your frequency / your vibration - which is your new currency on this Spiritual Awakening journey- please feel free to reach out.